Thursday, September 17, 2009

Me + My Brother

Summer is on its way out and I must admit—I’m not ready for it. It hasn’t really been much of a summer for me and what decent weather we did experience, I always had something going on. Luckily, my brother was staying with me for the summer and he kept me from being a workaholic which allowed us to spend good quality time together.

This year for Easter I bought him a bunch of cool stuff….balancing bunny, stuffed animals, Spiderman Easter eggs, and these really cool glasses that allows you see what's behind you. Well, let’s just say that I forgot to mail his package and he got to experience Easter in July! (I know--I'm such a good sister!)

So here are some fun pictures of me and my brother playing around. It’s always fun just to sit back, relax, and see what life is like when viewed through the eyes of an 8-year old.

I love you Ryan and I miss you so much. I can’t wait for next summer!

brother & sister time

brother & sister time

brother & sister time


brother & sister time

brother & sister time

1 comment:

kristen holly said...

Cute! Loving the personality, and that light!


All images copyright by Leilani Tucker and Full Aperture Photography (c) 2008-2009 | 616.894.0166 |